Learning is exploration that needs to be joyful if we expect it to be successful.

Harlem NY

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    What We Do

    We develop STEM Kits which complement the standard math and science curriculums.

    STEM Kits that Excite

    We Make Math and Science Exciting

    Math and science are beautiful - but if we can’t tame them to a more practical tools, that beauty is lost upon many children. Too often math and science are forced into abstract boxes with equations and examples that have little meaning in the real world. Math students can be easily discouraged when it seems as if they are learning a dead subject that doesn’t have any relevance to their everyday lives. Math and science students can be easily discouraged when it seems as if they are learning dead subjects that doesn’t have any relevance to their everyday lives. As students of math and science ourselves, we get it. We know what it’s like to stare at everything in the classroom – except the board. We know what it’s like to fight sleep for 45 minutes begging for lunch period to get here as soon as possible.

    Driving To Success by Making Math Easy

    creativity is the gateway to a child's intrinsic motivation.

    The Purpose of this STEM Module is to introduce complex mathematical concepts to students by giving them something interesting and fun to do: design and build a car. We are now in the age of data. Math is becoming increasingly important. To become masters in the data revolution, children of will need to master math.
    This activity is designed to provide them with context for learning by introducing the STEM concepts around cars; something we all experience and can relate to. Boredom is a major challenge to STEM education.
    The module is designed to combat this by first unlocking the child’s creativity and then allowing them to reflect. Reflecting on our thoughts is important, and at every step of the process, we ask the children to reflect and share their thoughts. This is the beginning of scientific reflection; it is the essence of discovery.
    I also introduce some complex concepts, trigonometry, statistics, and physics, which most children at this age will not have been taught yet. Do not panic. The purpose is to present these concepts in a simple and fun way. You don’t need to know these subjects, to be introduced to them, so have confidence. This is not a test. It's a fun series of experiments.

    Educational Consulting

    Dr Dawn Arno has over 50 years of Educational Leadership Experience

    Analytical, creative, innovative systems thinker and visionary educational leader with international experience. Passionate with unshakeable belief in success for all students. Expertise in building external and internal relationships and partnerships to improve organizational effectiveness.
    Policy development, advocacy, non-profit management, organizational learning, capacity building, fiscal and project management.

    Master Earth Science by Growing Herbs

    is currently under development

    We are currently developing a similar module which will focus on Earth Science. The children will grow herbs, based on 3 different variants of soil, light and water. This would give a total of 9 variations for the children to hypothesize, analyze, graph and do some statistical analysis. We teach math and earth science simultaneously.